The 5 Categories of Individuals Who Cannot Wear Pixiu Bracelets: Understanding the Taboo

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The 5 Categories of Individuals Who Cannot Wear Pixiu Bracelets: Understanding the Taboo

who cannot wear pixiuObviously, one of the interesting things is who cannot wear pixiu. Pixiu bracelets are seen as an essential accessory for those seeking fortune and prosperity. This traditional Chinese lucky charm is a common sight in many homes and businesses. However, certain individuals should be careful when wearing them as they may find that it brings the opposite effect. In this article, we will be exploring the 5 categories of individuals who cannot wear Pixiu bracelets, discussing why they are forbidden, and the consequences of wearing them.1. Pregnant Women According to Chinese mythology, Pixiu bracelets bring financial gain and ward off evil. However, pregnant women are advised against wearing them. The reason for this is that the Pixiu is believed to have a strong spiritual energy that could harm the unborn child. Pregnant women are, therefore, encouraged to avoid wearing Pixiu bracelets until after they have given birth.2. Children Pixiu bracelets are revered amongst the Chinese for their supposed magical abilities. Many parents choose to give their children these bracelets in the hope that it brings good fortune in their lives. However, it is important to note that children under the age of 16 should not wear Pixiu bracelets. This is because they can be easily affected by the strong energies of the bracelet which can cause them to become agitated or anxious.3. Individuals with Negative Energy Pixiu bracelets work by absorbing negative energies and transmitting positive ones. However, if an individual has a lot of negative energy or bad luck, it can pass it onto other people, including those who wear Pixiu bracelets. Consequently, individuals with negative energy are discouraged from wearing Pixiu bracelets as they can bring unwanted misfortune.4. People Who Work With the Dead Pixiu bracelets are believed to possess strong spiritual energies that have the power to ward off evil. However, individuals whose profession involves working with the dead should avoid wearing them. This includes doctors, nurses, morticians, and anyone who is involved in the funeral industry. This is because the spiritual essence of the bracelet may conflict with that of the dead, causing an unwanted disturbance.5. Non-Believers The power of Pixiu bracelets is derived from a deep sense of spirituality and belief. As such, those who do not believe in the power of the bracelet should not wear it. Non-believers may find that the Pixiu bracelet has no effect on their lives, thereby rendering it useless to them.In conclusion, Pixiu bracelets are a symbol of prosperity and good fortune amongst the Chinese. However, certain individuals should not wear them as they may be harmful or ineffective. Pregnant women, children under the age of 16, those with negative energy, individuals who work with the dead, and non-believers are all encouraged to avoid Pixiu bracelets. Those who do wear them are advised to pay close attention to the energy that the bracelet emits to ensure that it aligns with their own.